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Metasploit Pro Crack Kali 12: The Ultimate Tutorial for Mastering the Most Powerful Framework


There are many password-cracking tools out there, but one of the mainstays has always been John the Ripper. It's a powerful piece of software that can be configured and used in many different ways. Metasploit actually contains a little-known module version of JTR that can be used to quickly crack weak passwords, so let's explore it in an attempt to save precious time and effort.

We can see it starts out by attempting to crack any LM hashes, first in wordlist mode, followed by single-mode, and finally, incremental mode. Next, it follows the same procedure for any NT hashes that are present. Once it completes, it shows us any cracked passwords that it uncovered, along with the associated username:

Metasploit Pro Crack Kali 12

In this tutorial, we learned about Metasploit's John the Ripper module and how to use it to quickly crack Windows hashes. We first exploited the target using EternalBlue and used the hashdump post module to grab user hashes and store them to the database. Then, we ran the JTR module right in Metasploit and cracked the hash of one of the users. Metasploit's JTR module makes it easy to obtain weak passwords in very little time, and it should be worth a shot in any Windows post-exploitation campaign.

To begin with, I should state that a properly configured Cisco device is a tough target to crack. Vulnerabilities exist in IOS, just like any other piece of software, but only a few folks have managed to leverage memory corruption flaws into code execution. For this reason, the majority of real-world attacks against IOS devices tend to focus on two areas: poor configuration and weak passwords.

Metasploit Express and Metasploit Pro can automatically recycle credentials obtained from these configuration files to gain access to other devices on the network. If you crack one Cisco device through a weak SNMP community and discover that the vty password is "ciscorules!", you can use the "known-only" profile of the brute force component to automatically try this password, via any protocol, against any other device on the network. Once you gain access to other devices, the configuration files are obtained and the entire process starts again. You can easily apply a password taken from a Cisco router against the login page of an intranet site or leverage a password obtained through a traditional exploit to gain access to a multitude of network devices. One of our development goals is to ensure that our users can always identify and exploit the weakest link on a given network.

I was playing around with metasploit and I thought it was pretty cool. There was a Java Rhino Exploit which allows you to gain control of a windows machine. I wanted to give it a shot and see what kind of bad things we can do :) To demonstrate the exploit I had two VMs in my VMware Fusion running, Windows 7:

Once you've identified a weakness, hunt through Metasploit's large and extensible database for the exploit that will crack open that chink and get you in. For instance, NSA's EternalBlue exploit, released by the Shadow Brokers in 2017, has been packaged for Metasploit and is a reliable go-to when dealing with unpatched legacy Windows systems.

SUMMARYThis is a simple attack that can be run using metasploit. Metasploit is capable of gaining access tot he target machine and you being able to take control, or leave behind a payload such as a key logger for example. We will cover these more advanced attacks in later tutorials.

Although Nessus is a vulnerability assessment tool, it can integrate with PT tools Hydra THC. Nessus finds weak passwords and Hydra THC performs dictionary attacks or brute force to crack those passwords. Additionally, you can also perform Nessus scans from within Metasploit.

Aircrack -ng is a powerful VAPT for wireless networks. It is a suite of tools with a wireless packet sniffer, WPA/WPA2-PSK key cracker, packet injection, and attacks like replays, fake APs, and de-authentication. Aircrack-ng is supported by a wide range of wireless NICs and can capture packets from different WiFi standards.

Metasploit, W3af, Nessus, Burp Suite Pro, and Nikto are fantastic sets of tools that can help with VA and PT at the same time. SQLMap and Aircrack-ng are niche VAPT tools specific to databases and wireless.

This article will focus on tools that allow remote service brute-forcing. These are typically Internet facing services that are accessible from anywhere in the world. Another type of password brute-force attack are against the password hash. Powerful tools such as Hashcat can crack encrypted password hashes on a local system.

While ncrack has limited protocol support compared to Hydra and Medusa, the only conclusion for this little test when it comes to speed, reliability, and the ability to hit RDP services ncrack wins!!

Kali Linux has approximately 600[6] penetration-testing programs (tools), including Armitage (a graphical cyber attack management tool), Nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet analyzer), metasploit (penetration testing framework), John the Ripper (a password cracker), sqlmap (automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool), Aircrack-ng (a software suite for penetration-testing wireless LANs), Burp suite and OWASP ZAP web application security scanners,[7][8] etc.[9]

If there is not any public exploit for the specific version then we can try to find a valid username and password by using a dictionary attack.We can use any tool like THC Hydra for this job but in this article we will see how it could be achieved through metasploit.

I think Robert I have already answered you above as from your output in the first example you put SET RHOSTS IP 10.x.x.x where it should be set RHOSTS 10.x.x.x.In the second output that you have paste it it is obvious that the scanner needs to configure RHOSTS and you set RHOST.Try to do a show options first to see if the metasploit module has the proper configuration.If there is a problem let me know and paste the show options output here.

I have a kali linux with metasploit and armitage. It works fine when I use the default IP ( to connect, but using the eth0 IP returns a connection error (connection refused).meaning I m not able to connect from armitage located in another computer 2ff7e9595c

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