The game takes place in a fictional academy, named Sakurazaki Academy. The apprentice cupid angel, named Patako, must shoot an assigned person with a so-called "Pheromone Arrow" in order to graduate. Patako targets the protagonist Tenzou Motesugi, a second-year male student, with her crossbow, in hope of getting a girlfriend when shot with an arrow, as she claimed he has no experience with the girls.[7] However, she accidentally shoots Tenzou with sixteen arrows instead of one,[8] as it was somehow set to full-automatic "overkill" firing mode without her knowledge.[9]
Gal*Guns Returns' story mode sees Tenzou blast his way through the dull, lifeless interiors and exteriors of Sakurazaki in a super basic on-rails fashion, shooting at pupils and teachers alike as they pop out from around corners and throw themselves at him with love letters in hand. As well as surviving this onslaught over a handful of extremely samey and unchallenging stages, Tenzou must also choose from one of four "true love" girls as he starts out on his campaign who he will attempt to successfully make fall in love with him through a series of very basic dating sim aspects and mini-games that are dotted throughout proceedings.
Gal*Gun 2 - Doki Doki VR Mode [full version]
As you walk around a school shooting teenage girls and their teachers here, as you scroll your gun's target over them, you'll see icons pop up in certain areas of their bodies; hit these targets and you'll perform an ecstasy shot, downing them in one and adding to a little gauge that, when full, enables you to enter "Doki Doki" mode. Here you can rotate and tilt a 3D model of the girl you've activated Doki Doki on and the objective is to use the ZR button to zoom in on areas of her body and take a shot.
The longer you stare at any one area the more aware she'll become, attempting to block your view by covering up. But that's OK! Because if she blocks you as you stare at her rear end, for example, you can just turn her around and stare somewhere else that makes her nervous and uncomfortable. Successfully pulling off shots in this mode fills another gauge which, when full, throws the unlucky lady into a fit of orgasmic ecstasy, with the knock-on effect of taking out all the girls in her proximity once you resume normal shooting action, like some sort of orgasm grenade... or... something.
"As you walk around a school shooting teenage girls and their teachers here, as you scroll your gun's target over them, you'll see icons pop up in certain areas of their bodies; hit these targets and you'll perform an ecstasy shot, downing them in one and adding to a little gauge that, when full, enables you to enter "Doki Doki" mode. Here you can rotate and tilt a 3D model of the girl you've activated Doki Doki on and the objective is to use the ZR button to zoom in on areas of her body and take a shot."
Late to the party! My issues with this review is as someone said further up, it's clear the reviewer dislikes the genre, i don't mean he is a prude or dislikes ecchi but more this is a rails shooter game and his over use of "dull" for descriptive wording felt a bit bland in its self. I think most their points making it a bad game can be attributed to almost all on the rail shooter genre games which leads me to ask why he reviews a genre he hates, me reviewing a sports game will certainly end in a low score as i find them boring.HOTD was one of my favourite games and when nintendo got it i was so happy, sure most will call it a boring repetitive game but i loved that basic arcade style rail shooter.Playing this game, sure it doesn't feature multiple paths (though this is apparently fixed in later editions) felt average, it sure isn't special and certainly over priced, it's hardly "over sexualised" as most of the "Sexual content" is just a girl falling over moaning and a skirt slightly lifting - probably would work better with adults but still it feels very "teen" level of sexual content, it feature no actual elements beyond moaning. Some games feature full nude and sex, this is a kiss vs sex in a comparison. I would probably give it a "average", it's fun enough to enjoy on the hard mode, score attack is fun and i like the collection folder idea, seems a good method to add replay.
Gal*Gun 2 will have more of the same naughty gameplay I enjoyed with Double Peace, but with new characters and a school full of new girls waiting to be satisfied. In addition to spraying teens with your Pheromone Shots and rubbing them down during Doki-Doki mode, Gal*Gun 2 will also feature the Demon Sweeper vacuum gadget from Gal*Gun VR.
The Excuse Plot of both the original and Double Peace are fairly similar. The Featureless Protagonist (Tenzou Motesugi in the original, Houdai Kudoki in Double Peace) is scouted out by a cupid-in-training, who is tasked with helping him find love. Unfortunately, the protagonist is accidentally shot (for one reason or another) by an overcharged love arrow, which causes him to become a super Chick Magnet who is making nearly every single female on campus incredibly horny. The cure? Find true love by sunset, or else he will lose his chance at love — forever.